Saturday, July 21, 2012

No Water. No Rest.

I don't have the time nor the energy to thoughtfully post today but there is so much going on right now I must list the chaos around me. I messed up my hormone medication so my ovary is screaming like a toddler without ice cream. I slept all day. Tensions in downtown are enormously high right now. There is no water. All fountains have been shut off due to e coli poisoning. Only what is given out by businesses and services are what we have. With it being the weekend there are no services until 1pm. That means no water until 1pm in the afternoons when it's awfully hot outside. Then after 5pm there is nothing until 9pm. It is 8:11pm right now and I've had one glass of water and a bit of KL's backwash out of a bottle she had drunk most of.  I do not know what the city is going to do with the thousands of homeless people who have now had their water shut off. I am worried. Not only for myself but for the city as a whole. Tensions were high before the water crisis. I do not know what people are going to do now. All the bridges have been swept which means hundreds (maybe thousands) have been forced to leave their homes. Where will they go? There's nothing left for us. We have no water. We may not sit with our property for more than two hours. We may not erect "structures" to protect us from heat or rain. No "camping" by using blankets and sleeping bags. And now there is no more water and no notice of what the city intends to do for us without water in the summer. I do not know what is going to happen but I have a feeling something is going to have to.

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