Saturday, August 4, 2012

Month Two Stats

The Status: Pretty fucking homeless.
Favorite Meal: Anything that doesn't resemble lasagna.
Who I want to kick in the face: Staff at the day services for how they treat Kitten Lady.
The Worst Injury: Having my lip ripped open by Spencer's claw or having an allergic reaction to the gloves for dishes.
The Most idiotic thing I've done: Stealing a giant hard to push wheel chair.
The Most interesting meal: Nothing in particular stands out but “potato casserole” which had powder potatoes with questionable substances in them
The Worst Meal: Lasagna.
World's Biggest Douchebag: The guy who traded Kitten Lady's cat for a bag of Meth.
Favorite Act of Kindness: Random lady giving us a giant bag of cotton candy.
Favorite Staff: Director Lady; she and I have really built up a rapport
Favorite One Liner: “If we were lesbians you'd probably be my soul mate.”

The Favorite Song: 


The Favorite Dance Mom: Melissa; she's finally starting to stand up to Abby
Vomit Tally: 0 for me. 100 or so for Kitten Lady
Nights Slept Outside: Four
Who gave me the biggest headache: OHSU nurses
Spencer: Turning into a monster.
Favorite Moment: Realizing my blog is being read and followed by people outside of my friends.
Sweetest Moment: Tweak the kitten walking up my boobs to lick my lip in thanks for saving her from the tweakers who kidnapped her.
The Body: The scale says I weigh 140 which is the most I've ever weighed but I don't seem to be 140 pounds of chubby. I have a little two pack on my tummy and my legs are rock solid. The massage therapist said my muscles are pretty defined. Everything else is falling apart though. I'm sick as hell with all these different infections and the ear thing is just horrible.
Lasagnas Served: at least 7 but probably more like 20
The Things I Miss Most:  Spencer, Food stamps, private bathroom, sleeping in, having a closet, laundry machines, having a kitchen.
Outsiders: I think every time someone does something horribly unkind someone will turn around and do something incredible kind or vice versa. Somehow everything seems to always balance each other out. I'm not sure why or how yet.
Insiders: People never cease to amaze me. Street kids are really tough kids and for the most part we really do help each other out. Staff can be really douchey but I think all in all we make it work.
Faith in Humanity: Wavering

Feel free to comment with the stats you'd like to see. Keep me busy so I don't lose my mind!

"Everyone knows the power of a song and it takes you back to that place. Just that power of words can heal." --Jimmy Wayne

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