A friend
asked me today if I feel like I am in limbo. It is not that feeling
at all. It's almost like everything that's happened in the past four
or five months before I came to shelter were limbo. Going from place
to place trying to prolong the inevitable is limbo. Not knowing when
time is going to run out at a place because people are crazy is
limbo. This is not limbo. The best word I can think of for it is
It seems
weird that sleeping in a shelter and spending the day walking from
place to place would be considered secure but it's the only way I can think of to describe it. Before this I was dependent on other unstable people to keep
myself stable. My life was determined by the mood those I was living
with had. For example, my last roommate had bizarre mood swings and
consistently made negative comments about me to nitpick at my
character flaws. I think the reason she became a psychologist was
because she has to tell people their faults to make
herself feel better.
One day she flipped out on me one day to the point where she was
yelling and screaming and slamming furniture so loudly I had to sneak
out of the house because I felt unsafe. I didn't feel safe in my own home
as I was consistently walking on egg shells wondering when her next
mood swing would come. Then staying with my father everything
depended on his bipolar or how much alcohol he drank. I was in a
constant state of feeling unsafe.
Here, I
feel safe. I know exactly what is expected of me and as long as I
meet those expectations I know where I will be sleeping each night.
It's not like the expectations are set high either. I just can't do drugs, beat people up or have sex in shelter. That's not hard seeing as I have no desire to do those things anyways. At this point I know each staff members' quirks well enough that I can
adjust myself accordingly.
I know I will have meals and I know at
what time they will be served. Whether or not those meals will be
edible is another thing but even then I have food stamps. And I
always know I will have oatmeal available every morning. (I personally could live off of oatmeal alone). I know where
to go to have my needs met. I know where I can take a nap safely. If
I have a problem I have multiple people I can talk to.
On top
of all that I am never alone. I used to be a hermit who could not
function without time to myself. Now, I just got back to the group
after spending an hour on the computer at Safeway by myself. Even
though I was chatting with my friends online (who I miss VERY, VERY
MUCH) I felt awkward being alone. It wasn't necessarily loneliness or
feeling unsafe. It was as if I was out of balance. I found
myself looking over my shoulder more. In the end I left sooner than
planned because I just felt more comfortable with the street kids two
blocks away. I used to freak out if I didn't have time to myself. I still enjoy having time to be in my own head but only when there is someone else nearby. I squeeze quiet time in while Jesus has band practice or during library hours so I can have someone close to me but not necessarily talking to me.
I think
part of this may be that since Spencer is currently being fostered
and I'm having to make do without him. I think I've replaced my
companion animal with street kids. I have no idea what that says
about me except I have serious issues.
I think
now would be a good time to address the amount of time I spend with
Jesus. Many people assume we are dating. We are asked multiple times a day if we are together or how long we've been together. We are not. It just so
happens that there are few street kids that don't have addictions to
drugs or spend their time getting wasted. Jesus and I connect because
we don't want to get trashed to kill time. We like to go to play
places instead.
I have
no interest in dating anyone. I learned from past experience
on this one. The first time I was homeless a boy decided to take care
of me. Let's just say this didn't end well for either of us. It ended
with me staying in the relationship due to obligation rather than
desire. This was not a good experience for either of us in the end. So Jesus
and I are just friends.
The good
news for today is that it was highly productive. Jesus found out he
was put in general services for dicking around which means he gets
meals and shelter but little else. This set a fire under his butt so
he went and talked to Mother Goose. He was in there for awhile and I
don't know all the details but I do know she's going to set
him up with counseling. This makes me seriously happy. This is good news.
It's weird that we will have the same counselor as that is usually a breach of privacy to know who someone is seeing for counseling. However, there is only one counselor for street kids. I think it will actually be kind of nice having someone else seeing the same counselor as me. Gives me someone to talk about therapy with lol.
Also, I
met with the housing coordinator person to find out how to apply for
transitional housing. I filled out the application so now all I need
to do is have a physical and drug and alcohol abuse assessment before
I can get through the screening and interview for housing. I should
more than qualify for their services so this is a really solid step
in the right direction. It will still take some time and maybe a
little while on the wait-list but I am confident that everything is
going to work out.
that Drama Girl had to go to court for her daughter which she said
went well minus Dreadlocks not showing up. She will get her daughter back when she has her own apartment. She will still have to report to DHS but she'll at least have her daughter. The foster mom gave her pictures of the baby. She has Dreadlock's nose and a cute ass smile. Drama Girl once again asked for
dating advice and whether or not he has ever flirted with me. All I
can keep telling her is that he and I say goodnight and good morning
and that is it. Of course, nothing will ease her paranoia so I just
hope her anger stays on him and not me.
Emo Kid
got a new girlfriend already (he was single less than 12 hours).
Apparently I'm not the only one who is having trouble being alone.
The only
other news is Portland broke the Morrison Bridge again. I spent 35 minutes on
the max to go nowhere today. What city breaks a bridge? Only in

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